Monday, December 19, 2011

From December 5

Can you believe that?!? Only 20 days until I can talk to you guys on the phone. I remember when I talked to you last time I said only 7 and a half months until we can talk again...that was seven months ago...CRAZY!!
Ty I am so proud of you and your Eagle project! That is awesome that it was such a huge success, and it is definitely a huge accomplishment.
As far as gifts for recent converts, what about a testimony written about the importance of the temple and how it has blessed our family?...Chris could help with translation and Momma you could write it in your spiffy handwriting...something cheap and easy but still really meaningful because there is nothing we could give them that would be more special or important than what Heavenly Father could give them in the temple, right?? What do ya' think about that?
I was also thinking about President and Sister B. and how under-appreciated they are, when they really have been like my parents for the past year and a half...Could we send them one of the Christmas books that we make with all those wonderful stories in one of those binders that looks like a present? I think they would really enjoy that tradition, and it would mean a lot to them because they don't get the thanks they deserve. I think the only time they hear from parents is when they are complaining or have concerns...never "thanks for taking care of my kid for two years. They have learned and grown so much."..If anything, that is what I want for Christmas :)
I loved the Thanksgiving box and the Christmas one. Now our office is all decorated and festive...I will send ya' a pic!
This past week we literally got 0 time in our area and it stinks, but we had other things to do. I guess I just hate making that excuse, but our first priority is the office and this week we had a ton to do with transfers and still isn't done, but it will all come together I am sure...I hope haha. This week will be crazy busy with departing missionaries, incoming missionaries (btw there is an Elder V. coming in from Marietta East Stake on Wednesday who I kinda know cuz we played basketball together. I think so that is cool!) New DL, ZL, SC training, and delivery of bikes and extra luggage all over the mission. Wish me luck.
This past transfer went so, so fast I can't believe it. This is Elder H.'s last transfer. Elder S. has been with us for two weeks because of some stuff that went on where he couldn't stay in his area, and it has been a blast to have him with us. We are constantly laughing and having fun, and it has been a good balance/relief with the stress of transfers.
I wish I could give you a real feel of what doing transfers is like, but I can't. It is a giant puzzle with a ton of different factors just on paper, then the Spirit comes in to play as well as answering what will help each missionary progress, and man it is fun to do but at the same time it is a constant headache. I am not complaining, because I love it and what I am doing, but I hope that helps paint a little picture. Sometimes when we get stressed, we just put down our keyboards and take a walk around the temple and clear our minds and see the lights.
I guess that brings me to your question for the week. Temple Hill is gorgeous, and to be here especially around this time of the year is such a blessing. I absolutely love it. It feels amazing to be on hallowed ground for the majority of the day. The Spirit is so strong and there is just a peace that is indescribable.
My mission has taught me so many things, but one of the things that I have really come to understand and appreciate is the temple of the Lord. I never understood the potential that we all have to become like our Heavenly Father and there are so many things that I could say about what I have learned about it, but I can't wait to go back through the temple with you guys. I have come to appreciate the power of covenants and make so many connections and received so much revelation about the temple.
For example, I just came to realize that Heavenly Father's glory is to bring to pass our eternal life through temple covenants because as we make and uphold our covenants, He is then accountable to us to uphold His end of the deal. And, as we learn in Preach My Gospel, when people are held accountable then improvement accelerates. So, as we keep our covenants the Lord is held accountable. We progress and He progresses in glory even more. The gospel is a gospel of eternal progression and learning. Cool, huh?
Well guys, I love ya'...I really do. I am so grateful for all of you and the wonderful children of God you are. Can't wait to talk to ya' :)
Elder Molinaro

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