Monday, December 19, 2011

From October 31

Hey Guys!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Man, was I ever glad to get that box of goodies from you guys, pumpkin bread and all. I have been making friends with all the senior couples that work in the office as I have been sharing my spoils, and they all say "thank you so much." Thanks to the grandparents, too, for the treat they sent me in their Halloween cards! I will be putting it to good use for sure :) I just love you guys so much.
To answer your questions...This past week what kept me the most busy was definitely transfers. We just have a lot of things to do that nobody thinks about, but somebody has to do it. Update lists, make graphs, update baptismal records, reconfigure apartments, take cars, give cars, deal with missionaries getting hurt, or doing stupid things, rework calendars, schedule buildings and events, plan Zone Conference, ZLC, MLT, and on and on and on. I know it sounds really boring and not like real missionary work, but it is missionary work -- just a different kind.
I am happy to be serving the Lord, however and wherever He needs me to serve. It has been great though, being able to interact with President B. for multiple hours a day. He has taught me so much, even just by watching him and how he reacts in different situations. One day I know all this training and practice will come in handy in the business world and in Church administration and so I am trying to be as sponge-like as possible.
So, because of all the madness, I spent probably a combined total of 4 hours in my new area this past week so I do not know it at all...and I will have to go on exchanges with some Zone Leaders in my area this week, so that will be an adventure for sure.
I am getting used to the new apartment even though we are never there. We stay in the office 'til like 10:20 at night and then head back to sleep and nothing else, so a bed in a shed would be enough to keep us alive up here, but they give us an apartment anyway. I fall asleep so fast; it is great. Elder H. talks in his sleep and it is pretty funny because he just keeps working on office stuff. For example, last night he was explaining how he had the graphs organized at 2 in the morning. Elder G. said that he left the office with the "talking in his sleep" problem too. He said the office does things to your mind and you literally never stop working, even when you are horizontal and your eyes are shut haha so I guess I have that to look forward to. Actually, I refuse. I refuse to go crazy..I just won't do it...but I will keep you posted on my progress.
Things with Elder H. are going really well, actually. He is a great companion and very patient which is good because I still have a lot of questions while I am getting the hang of things. We are doing well together, and have a lot of fun. He really reminds me of Bennett for some reason, so that makes it even better! He looks kinda like him I guess, just taller.
What am I enjoying most? That is a great question...I am not really sure yet because it is all still new and I haven't experienced all of it yet, but I am liking all of it. I really like being able to work so closely with President and being able to do things and plan things that affect the whole mission. I also like being able to interact and help so many missionaries and I like joking around with the senior couples in the office. I am just loving it all.
The hardest part so far has been not being able to get to the area and I miss the Latin people I came to know and love, but I really am having a blast on my mission. The Zones have already gone from 7 to 9 so we are trying to keep up with all the changes, but it is going well.
The craziest day was definitely Wednesday when we had to get up early, load up the truck with luggage and departing missionaries and drop them off then pick up incoming missionaries and watch them come down the escalator all awe-struck and confused. Then we trained them, the trainers, the new senior comps, the new District Leaders, and the new Zone Leaders and had no time to breathe or eat or anything, but I loved every second.
I am sorry this email probably seems pretty scattered; missionaries keep coming up and interrupting me. I love you guys and I will talk to ya' next week.
Elder Molinaro

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